Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Life List

I was cleaning up my blog as I really stopped using it, once I started blogging over here. Actually the last posts over there were:
"We're Having a Baby!!" followed by "So, We're Not Having A Baby"
For quite some time I was afraid to erase them as for some reason, (yet again) in my mind I think that by erasing a post, or a stat or a blog etc, that it will somehow erase another little piece of the little I have to hold on to from when I was PG. (if you read my blog, you'll notice this has come up many times before-- its such an odd fear I have it seems to me).

Anyhow, I cleaned up the blogs over there (aka got rid of them) as it seemed kinda sad that those blogs were one of the first things you'd see when you looked at my page. As I went through the rest of them, I came across "My Life List" post.

I created my "My Life List" after two things that inspired me to do so.
The first was about a women on O.prah, I believe, who had died in the
9-11 tragedy, but before doing so had created a "Life List" for herself. Simply put, a list of things you would like to accomplish during your time here on earth.

The second reason I was inspired to do so, was learning that the brother of my best friend, of well, forever it seems, killed his wife and then hung himself leaving three children behind (all in my little hometown where nothing like that EVER happens). It again, reminded me of how fragile life can be and that we need to live each day to the fullest as we don't know what tomorrow will bring (or if we'll see tomorrow for that matter).

So, I created my very own "Life List" back on September 16, 2006. It was pretty neat to revisit that blog, and update it with things that I have actually accomplished since writing that. (of course, I was struggling with Infertility back then too, so in some ways it made me a little sad too, to see that I'm still stuck in the same miserable place in regards to some things on my list as well.)

I thought it might be neat to share that over here, and have it here to refer back to instead of over there where I don't blog anymore.

So Here it goes (it is long, what can I say, I have alot I want to accomplish!!). I will close in saying that if you have some time, and haven't ever thought of creating your own life list, I strongly encourage you to do so. Its nice to look back, especially on days when you feel like you are "stuck" to revisit it and see what you have accomplished since writing it. Even if you don't make it a public list for others to see, do one for yourself where you keep your private thoughts! What are you waiting for??

Here's "My Life List":
My Life List
1. I will carry this list with me…….regardless of where life takes me.

2. To have a baby, or two or three (but will feel eternally blessed with even one) Jan 2009--STILL working on this one!!
3. To be the best wife, friend and companion to my husband Craig **doing this every day!!
4. Visit Italy
5. To be more patient with others-- EVERY DAY, not just occasionally
6. Be committed to leading a healthier lifestyle
7. Learn how to play Acoustic Guitar **Jan 2009--- I bought my first Acoustic and I'm learning how to play!! **
8. Re-establish friendships with friends I haven't been in touch with **Jan 2009-- keeping up with this one thanks to Myspace and Facebook!
9. I will be sure my family knows how much they mean to me
10. Hug and kiss my dogs and cat at least 10 times a day
11. Hug and kiss my Husband at least double that!!!
12. Go back to school
13. Own my own business *Jan 2009-- I finally lauched my jewelry website ( so I'm checking this one off!!
14. Buy a house **Done May 2007!!!**
15. Own a classic mustang convertible
16. Organize all my wedding photo's from table cameras (yes I know I'll be married two years Dec 2006) **Well, they are all labeled in a basket--does that count? **
17. Support Craig in his music ** Feb 2009, hopefully that Yamaha Digital Drumset will be shipped to him soon!!!**
18. Learn to speak Italian fluently
19. Invent something really cool and reap the profits from it I don't think my jewelry line completes this one....or does it? I'm reaping profits...hmmmmm....... (Jan 2009)
20. Be financially comfortable (aka not worry about paying bills)
21. See the Grand Canyon
22. Be on Wheel of Fortune
23. Meet John Mayer and sing a song on stage with him
24. Own a Restaurant with my Husband (he'll manage the back of the house, me the front of the house)
25. Write a book
26. Write a song
27. Learn how to play accustic guitar (**Oops I have this twice-- I must really want to learn!!) LOL **See # 7 above for update!**
28. Always be young at heart no matter how old I am
29. Know that its okay to act a little crazy--it more fun that way!
30. Age is just a number- I won't let it define me!
31. If I'm not PG within the next few months, will start thinking about and looking into adoption. ** Jan 2009-- Well, I'm still not, but we're still trying really hard and will still consider this option should we need to **
32. Visit Hawaii
33. Skydive
34. Make a written list of all our CD's (all 900 of them) just because………..
35. Be better about putting away the laundry
36. Get a 3 stone diamond ring from my husband **Feb 2007 I got a gorgeous 3 stone Diamond Journey Necklace from C. so we're on the right path !! LOL**
37. Own a bed and breakfast up in Vermont
38. If we ever get to retire, live the snowbird life-- summers up North and winters in the south or out west.
39. Never be afraid to try something new.
40. Try to like and eat more veggies (man this is a tough one!!)
41. Appreciate Nature. Take a couple of minutes each day to recognize and appreciate the beauty of things around me. **I do this everyday when I walk outside-- no matter where I am....Florida, NY, VT etc!
42. Travel the US in an RV sea to shining sea…………….and everywhere in between
43. I will always think about my Dad--- atleast twice a day and remember the love and happy memories
44. Get my cardinal/floral tattoo to honor my dad
45. Take 10 minutes EACH DAY and just BREATHE!!!!!!!! Think about the good things in my life and how very fortunate I am to have all the people I do in my life.
46. Be open to different "lifestyles" NOT for me, but for others --maybe tolerant is a better word--- if your lucky enough to find love in another human being, you are truly blessed.
47. Be more compassionate with my husband when he is sick-- (I'm not very good at this one since I work with sick people all day long and listen to their illness problems) **Jan 2009-- yeah--still working on this one too LOL but I think I'm doing a little better?!**
48. Continue to go above and beyond each day at work. My current boss is appreciative and rewarding-- (** I want that value award again this Dec 2006) **I shall not comment on this one-- work isn't the same as it used to be!**
49. Bowl a 220 game-- (when I do this, I will up the score to aim higher!!!) Did It!! I bowled a 234 scratch(with my handicap it was a 270 something). So I will set the new goal at 255 as of Jan 2009!
50. When/if blessed with a child, aim to be half the mother my Mom has been to me, and that child will be the most loved, luckiest child in the world, as I have been thanks to her unselfish love and sacrifice.
51. Learn to do the cha cha, a salsa, swing dance and a waltz with my husband (dance isn't an issue for me-- I've been dancing since I was 3 yrs old!)
52. Try skiing again………. (1st time around wasn't too pretty!)
53. Swear LESS (this will be a forever goal--- however I don't know how attainable-- I've always had a potty mouth) LOL at this one.... I don't know that it will ever change despite how hard I try!!
54. Judge people less…….it takes all kinds to make the world go round.
55. Be a singer (lead or backup) in a band--with my husband playing drums of course!!!
56. Go to a big hippie music festival to get a feel of the life Craig used to lead when following the Dead around. Maybe Bonnaroo in TN next June…… **We're toying with the idea of Bonnaroo 2009....... Phish-- 2 shows..... I'm holding out for Dave Matthews, John Mayer and Jack Johnson to sign on before I get tix!
57. Envy others LESS-- instead use that envy as motivation to improve yourself
58. Be understanding that God has a plan for me……. I may not understand what it is, but I trust that everything that happens in my life happens for a reason……..
59. When Craig and I have a disagreement, will try to "push buttons" less-- IT ALWAYS MAKES THINGS WORSE…………………..ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
60. Continue to be goofy and make people laugh-- when they laugh they feel good and that makes me feel good………
61. Tell DH I love him every single night before closing my eyes (I ALREADY DO THIS ONE, AND HAVE FOR THE LAST SEVEN YEARS-- BUT IT'S A GOOD ENOUGH GOAL TO WRITE/KEEP FOR THE NEXT 50 YEARS AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED!!) **Jan 2009-- 9 1/2 years and still going strong with this one-- every single night!!
62. Be content with what I HAVE in life. Its probably a whole lot more that a lot of others have.