Thursday, April 17, 2008

Great Appointment!! So encouraged!!

so I went to my first appointment with my new Reproductive Endocrinologist yesterday. I LOOOOOVE Dr. Z!!! He is as his picture appears to be on his website ( ), he is very calming, and made me feel very comfortable as we sat and talked. He is kind, yet AGGRESSIVE and that is what I feel I need at this point! (I mean lets face it folks, I'm not getting any younger and 36 is right around the corner (next month!!!) Anyhow, we talked about how I've been at this process a while now, and yes I did get PG, but lost it. We discussed the fact that I've taken quite a few doses of Clomid in the past 23 cycles, and that I feel that it is not working very well for me anymore. Each month since the M/C it seems to hinder Follicle development (or rather slooooows it) and it makes me wonder about egg quality once we finally get to trigger late in each cycle. Dr. Z seems to agree with me on that matter, and also asked me if my old RE ever mentioned the fact that my lining was showing some thinning on U/S, which they DID NOT EVER MENTION!!! Dr. Z feels that the possibility of a thinner lining could hinder getting PG and can also cause one to M/C......
He told me we could technically try clomid a couple more cycles since after actually getting PG, you can re-start your clomid cycles again with some efficacy (however I don't think thats my case).

So, after talking more, we decided that its time to get more aggressive and not waste anymore time. We talked about moving onto injectibles. I did inquire about the possibility of getting in on some kind of study (due to the fact that my insurance won't pay a dime for any IF meds). He unfortunately told me that if I were 34 he had a study I could get in on, but since I'm 35, almost 36, that the study option wasn't there. (crap crap crap).

Dr. Z. also did let me know that with moving to injectibles, our chances of twins will increase to 25%, and multiples beyond twins is 8% I believe. Craig and I talked about this possibility and we are okay with that. (its a scary thought, but I don't know that I can go through this IF journey more than once (mentally or financially for that matter). I figure if God feels we should have tiwns, then that is what we will be blessed with, and will handle whatever we are dealt.

So we have a new aggressive plan. I will do Bravelle injections starting with cd 3 and then will go for an u/s and labs on cd 8, and see what we have for follie development. Yay for progress and moving forward, boooooo for the cost of meds........ for a 10 day supply, we are talking $600 -$700!!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so positive about moving foward with this (and so does Craig). I will be saying many many prayers in the coming weeks that we will get lucky on our first month with these meds, as I don't know how many months we can actually afford to do it. I guess where there's a will there's a way.

For now, I feel extreemly encouraged and hopeful. I'm not thrilled about daily injections in my stomach but I am willing to do what it takes to get us there. Hopefully Craig feels the same way. As always, he supports my decision, and I know he wants this as bad as I do, and I believe together we'll have enough faith and hope to get us through this!! He and I are a bit different with our coping skills. I tend to attack things head on, he tends to keep it a little more to himself, but as in the past, we tend to balance each other out pretty darn well.

So, thats our new game plan, and I just know we are finally going to get back on the right track. Switching Doctors was THE BEST thing I could ever have done for my mental sanity and well being. I feel great about a fresh outlook from a new Doctor.

The most encouraging thing the Dr. said to me right before I left was "Look, your a healthy woman, your PCOS is being managed very very well with the Metformin, your husband has no problems, YOU ARE A VERY EASY PERSON TO GET PREGNANT!!! Music to my ears!!!



Jessica White said...

That's so awesome! It was definitely a good choice to move on to another RE: This guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
Hopefully it all works the first time and you get knocked up ASAP.

Ariella said...

Ya for all the good news. I hope he is right and the injectable plus IUI works well for you.