Thursday, April 24, 2008

More Random Acts of Kindness

Well, a few weeks ago, I wrote about karma and acts of kindness from people I don't even know!

And here I am, about to write about it again. Simply put, I am amazed by the generosity and kindness of some wonderful women I don't even know. First it was Kittylove from the TTTC board that I frequent. She "paid it forward" with offering me something I was in search of, and I was overwhelmed by her kindness.

So that brings me to today. Something beyond giving and generous arrived at my house today. After my appointment with my new RE last week, and the development of our new plan of attack, I made a post on the SAIF board on the Nest, asking some questions about the new injectible meds I'll be taking. Yet another girl out of the kindness of her heart, offered up some encouragement by answering some of my questions, and then offered left over meds that she had.

I cannot even put into words how much I appreciate her generosity and her kindness. My husband and I were sorta prepared in knowing our next step was going to be injectible meds, and we knew that meant quite a chunk of money too. We know that we may only be able to do one or two cycles of injectible meds due to the cost. So you can imagine how much these donated meds means to me. Its a major load off my chest, and has saved me close to $500 that would have been all Out of Pocket as my insurance doesn't cover injectible meds for IF.

So, "teeveegirl" if you happen to see this, please know I will be forever grateful for your kindness and generosity. I wish you a very H&H 9 months with your little ones. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Know I am doing my best to pay it forward as others have done for me. (I won't get into the ways I am doing so right now, as I'm trying to keep it under wraps right now, but will post about it at a later time (when the project is completed and the intended receiver has gotten the finished product).

One other thing I am taking away from my experiences these past couple weeks, is reminding myself throughout each day to be kinder, to be more giving and to be more patient and understanding. What goes around comes around..............