Monday, August 25, 2008

Back From the N.Y.

Well, I'm delighted to say I had a WONDERFUL time in NY. There is no place like Upstate NY in the mountains. I know how cliche' the "Fresh Mountain Air" stuff is, but it really is true (until your Allergies kick into gear that is.........) The picture above, is across the street from the house I grew up, which my brother still lives in. I could sit and look out at that mountain for hours, and honestly I spent alot of my years living there doing just that while growing up.
Just as I suspected, my visit to NY made me very homesick for those surroundings. I don't miss the little town I grew up in so much, as it is just as it has always been. A small little town that never changes.......almost as though a town that time forgot. But I miss the rolling hills, the mountains, the NON-Busy atmosphere that a little town in the mountains of NY offers. I miss silly things like going to watch my older brother play in his summer mens' softball league. I miss the fact that you can drive on country roads in and out of mountains and maybe only pass 15 cars on a 30 minute ride, instead of the nonstop madness of traffic I deal with daily here in Florida. (of course I doubt I'd be missing those roads come wintertime in a blizzard but nonetheless).
I also suspect that when C. and I head back to NY in October for two weeks (for my brothers' wedding), that C. may have to drag me kicking and screaming back out of NY when its time to leave. Fall in Upstate NY is my absolute favorite time of year, hands down. There is nothing like it!!!! I know as soon as C. lays eyes on those mountains in Oct, he too will become homesick for where we grew up.
Honestly, if my mom wasn't down here by me(she lives 10 mins away) in Florida, I think C. and I would move back to Upstate NY without a doubt. (C.'s mom is down here too, but about 90 mins away). Of course we don't even need to talk about the fact that Real Estate Sales sucks BALLS right now and we'd have a very tough time selling our house, without owing more than what we'd get for it right now. So, for now our thoughts of moving back to NY will have to be just that..........thoughts! (and daydreams)
Seeing my family up in NY was awesome, we spent a couple days with my Aunt (my mom's sister) who has been battling various forms of cancer for a couple years now....... (first an extreemly rare form of lymphoma(brain cancer), so rare that they didn't even have a name for it, which I am so pleased to say is in remission, however she is currently battle breast cancer....... and let me just say, she is a REMARKABLE WOMAN!!!!! She can't walk, (but is working on it) and is so independent and still has the most wonderful sense of humor. I'm pretty sure that she, my mom and I laughed 95% of our waking hours. I love her to pieces and am amazed by her strength and courage for all she has been through. LOVE YOU AUNTIE BLING!!
We had a bit of a bumpy flight back home as there was a Tropical Storm on its way to the west coast of FL and had our flight come in any later we wouldn't have made it back and would probably have sat in Washington DC for a day or two waiting to get back........
To sum it up, awesome trip, great relaxation (although it was busy as we had help throw my sister-in-law to be's bridal shower while we were up there), great scenery, lots of laughes and good times, but as always its good to come back home (I missed C. terribly while I was gone and I couldn't wait to get back home to his lovin' arms).
I guess thats all for now. I've really been slacking with my blogging lately, as I don't really have alot to talk/blog about, but I'm going to try to get back on track!!! To those who do read, I do check in on alot of your blogs, sometimes daily, to see how you are doing.

Much love to all!


Jessica White said...

Glad you guys had an enjoyable visit. I live in upstate NY (halfway between binghamton and oneonta) and I have no desire to go anywhere else: I love it here...even the winters.

How are you doing with everything else?

Ariella said...

I am glad yu had a good visit. Sounds like the kind of trip you come home from and are ready to meet life again rather than need a vacation to recover from your vacation. I am a CA west cost girl and have never understood how people can love Fall as much as you east coasters do. I look forward to more regular updates. I think of you often.