Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Bye 2008!!

Well, this will be my last post of 2008 here and I'm gladly sending 2008 off with a swift kick and no love lost.

2008 has really been a pretty sucky rotten year. I don't need to go over all of why it sucked so bad, you could easily read through my blog for the past 11 months and see for yourself just how sucky it has been.

I have some goals for 2009.

I'm vowing to enter into 2009 with renewed hope and faith that this IS the year we WILL be blessed with a Healthy and Lasting Pregnancy.

Until we get our BFP, I will be in the gym working my butt off (hopefully it will really shrink lol) and I will be doing my best to get my body healthy and my mind and heart healed and in a better place.

I also will strive to not let IF beat me. (it kicked my ass pretty bad in 2008 and brought me so far down I couldn't see a way out). I will also not let IF hurt my relationship with C. When its all said and done, we will still always have each other to lean on for love and support.

I don't really have much else to say about 2008 besides it sucked.

To 2009, I can only hope and pray that you will show C. and I some kindness and compassion, and help us through our IF journey, and bless us with what we have been hoping and praying for for such a long time. I also pray that you will bless the women on the TTTC board who also have endured more than anyone should in our common goal to become mothers.

To all who read my blog, I wish each of you a Happy and Healthy 2009 and may all your dreams and wishes come true.

God Bless !


Never forgetting Gregory said...

I truly hope this is THE year for you. The pain of infertility and loss can really knock you down. I hope you get the happiness you deserve to lift you back up again. Here's to a NEW year.

Tiffany said...

Happy New Year to you too! I am with ya, lets keep 2008 out of the way and make way for a better year. We both deserve it.