Monday, March 2, 2009

IUI # 2 Complete..... and Now the 2WW begins!!

Well, IUI# 2 is complete!
It was actually a really good and positive experience. I was up and in the shower at 5:45 am (it takes me forever to shower and get ready even though I'm low maintainance), I woke C. up at 6:30 am so he could ahem *take care of business*. To avoid any extra pressure on C. I actually left the house and drove up a couple blocks to sit so he'd have the house to himself and no distractions while he did his business (yes, I felt a little silly, but better to give him peace and solitude and have fresh swimmers than have to use the frozen sample on reserve). He called me just after 7, ready with Package in hand, I flew back to the house and grabbed it and ran. Last time I transported, we put it in an insulated cooler with a warm towel and it was fine, however it was actually a chilly morning here in Florida (it was in the low 40's this morning) so I decided to do the cup stash in my bra for the 35 minute ride to the RE and let me say, by the time I got to the parking lot of my RE, I was dying to get that hard plastic cup out of my bra-- it was digging into me (and the underwires weren't helping matters!

I dropped the "package" at the desk when I checked in, and sat and waited in the lobby for Go-Time. It was amusing to say the least! One guy totally fell sound asleep while his wife was in the back office. I mean LOUD snoring, groaning etc. Guess it was too early for him (it was a little after 8 am by that time). It was so loud actually that I couldn't hear the big plasma TV hanging on the wall. Then another guy came in and checked in and went to the bathroom in the lobby. I swear he was in there atleast 15 mins. There was all sorts of commotion going on in there, and I swear at one point it sounded like he was plunging the toilet. I can only imagine he took a big pooper something. After he finally surfaced from the bathroom, the guy sitting across from the bathroom jumped up and closed the door. I kept texting dh with all that was happening in the lobby-- I swear I could right a book! I had all I could do to not laugh right out loud at all of it!

So, anyhow, on to the important IUI details!! I knew by my appointment card from last week, that I was going to see Dr.S. today instead of Dr. Z (I think Dr. Z was down in a different office)so I was a bit apprehensive about him doing my IUI since I'd never even met him. I got back to the room and changed and was sitting on the table waiting. I heard noise outside the door, and then I heard this goofy sinister laugh, a knock on the door and in comes Dr. S. with a nurse and a student "observing", who thankfully never moved far enough into the room for a full money shot.

Dr. S. walked in and said "Hello Dear" (mind you he's only in his mid 40's). I said "um....that was an awefully sinister laugh you let out considering what you are coming in here to do!" We both laughed and he said "Well, I'm Dr. S and I'm the guy who's here to get your PG this morning" and followed it up with another sinister laugh. I told him that sounded mighty good to me! Then he jokingly said, "So-- how bout we shoot for Octuplets? Are you up for it??" I told him I'm adventurous but not nearly that adventurous! We talked briefly about what a jerkwad the Octo RE was and how irresponsible he was.

Then Dr. S. looked in my chart again before doing the IUI and said, "well with your follie count ( I had 3-4 very close follies on my right ovary) and Sperm count, how about we get you PG with twins instead?" Of course just the mere thought of that had me estatic, and I beamed "Yes!!! PLEASE!!!! I assumed the position, and thank heavens Dr. S was sooooo gentle, nothing pinched, nothing hurt, he was awesome and kept the talk light to take my mind off what he was doing. When he was just about done, he said, "your husbands sperm count was great-- 40 million post wash!!!" I said, "well thats great right?" and Dr. S. said "uh-- yeah-- thats double what you even need in there-- but since we're trying to make twins, we're gonna use it all."

After he was done, he had me get comfy on the table where he wanted me to lay for like 15 mins post IUI. Before he left the room I asked him about Progesterone supp's during the 2WW (and explained why I thought I might benefit because of the M/C and CP in the past) He told me he didn't really feel I needed supplementation based on my labs, and the fact that I had 3-4 follies and he believed atleast 2-3 of them would release, and then release Progesterone, so he felt no need to put me on Progesterone. He did tell me that if for some reason this cycle doesn't work there may be a few things he'd consider tweaking in my treatment plan, however, he feels that neither C. or I have any major problems, just that we've had a bad run of luck up til now.

Before leaving the room, he said, "Okay- call us in two weeks when you get a Postive Home test, we'll have you come in for some labwork and then two weeks after that we'll have you come in for your first U/S to see your TWINS!!!!"

He must have said "TWINS" like six times in the few minutes he was in the room with me. He was so postive and had such a great bedside manner that I'm actually glad he did my IUI today.

I laid on the table for like 15 mins with my Ipod after they all left the room. It is always such an emotional experience for me and I can't decide if it would be easier or not if C. was able to have been with me for either of them. Once everyone leaves the room, both times we've done IUI, I lay on the table and start crying. This time was a little bit easier than last time, but it was still tough. I think I just want this so badly and am really hoping and praying beyond hope that this will finally be our turn. I beam with joy and happiness at the mere thought of twins, but will be completely thrilled with even just one.

So, thats my IUI adventure. Now the glorious 2WW begins. So stay tuned for my many overanalyzations of every little twinge, tweak and cramp I get.

If you have any spare Baby Dust or a spare prayer or two, I'd certainly appreciate you sending a little my way. I'll take any and all help I can get.


gringa78 said...

Thanks for sharing your IUI experience...I'm a bit nervous with learning how to use all the medications and the whole procedure and everything. Best, best, best of luck to you this cycle! I hope you get your twins!

stacey said...

Sending lots of baby dust your way!!!! GL!!!!!! (And I love that pic in your post-I may have to steal it;-))

Gina said...

Best of luck to you, I really hope that you get your BFP for your twins!!!

Jessica White said...

GOOD LUCK!! I'm hoping that he's absolutely right!

Erika said...

Good luck to you! I had my IUI today. So we wait together.