Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hopeful ......... or not.....that is the question

I want to start out by giving a special shout out to Ariel for passing along a special award to me. A kind blogger award. If you've followed my blog, back in April Ariel kindly mailed me something to help me on my journey. It was part
of her kindness and paying it foward from another friend of hers. I've done my best to continue paying it forward as well. I just want to say Thanks to Ariel for being so sweet and thinking of me. I pray she continues to have a H&H 9 months!
In other news:
I'm torn and very realistic about this months' success. I honestly have little hope, but there remains a glimmer at least. Enough to ridiculously carry me into the beginning of next month. I'm already putting out feelers for another round of Bravelle, and hopefully will get my hands on some left over meds for a cheaper price than having to go thru a pharmacy. Hopefully we won't need them but I need to start preparing for that possibly sooner rather than later. Oh the ongoing joys of TTTC (trouble trying to conceive).
Other than that, I honestly don't have much to report in. I'm in the early stages of my 2WW, and its nothing but a waiting game at this point. Wait and stress, wait and stress. On and on it goes!


Stephanie said...

I hope your 2ww goes by fast! Sending lots of good vibes your way for this cycle.

Ariella said...

I hope you don't need it but I will put out some feelers for the Bravelle.

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

Hi there,

Found you on NaComLeavMo. I hope your 2ww goes by fast and sprinkling baby dust your way.


Michelle said...

Hey Jen-- Wishing you lots of luck in this 2WW!!

We have Angel Wings said...

Hey 2ww buddy! We can over analyze together!!

I hope that you don't need any more Bravelle and I don't need any more Repronex.

Girlfriend, we are BFP Bound - and I can't wait to go to the other side.

Hold on to your glimmer of hope (and my hand if you need too) because we'll get through this one way or another.

