Tuesday, May 27, 2008

There Are Many Unexpected and Thrilling Surprises In Store For You!!

I decided I'm going to start each blog with a different picture each day. It may or may not have something to do with my blog for the day. I guess it will depend on what mood I'm in and what tickles my fancy.

Todays picture is one I took a couple years ago when Craig and I were in Key West on vacation at a Butterfly Garden. It was like walking into a fairytale was breathtaking to say the least!

So onto my daily rantings and ravings:

Craig and I got Chinese take out for dinner tonight. After we eat Chinese at home, we have this little goofy thing we do with the fortune cookies. We make a big deal of shuffling and mixing them up and then letting the other one pick which one they want. So I got to take my pick tonight. Here's what my Fortune said:

"There are many unexpected and thrilling surprises in store for you".

That sure sounds wonderful to me!!!!! I hope my first unexpected and thrilling surprise arrives by the weekend with good news on the ttc front!!! Wouldn't that be something!??

And by the way, I hate the taste of fortune cookies, (forgive me, but they remind me of gagging on communion wafers as a child), but Craig INSISTED I eat a piece of the cookie, otherwise the fortune won't come true....... so I did, but I didn't like it and washed it down with some iced tea.

So, I'm 10 dpo today. Its been a lazy day around here. Craig and I both had the day off. We started the day with the intentions of cleaning out our garage. By 10 am that was downgraded to going to get our hair cut and grabbing some lunch. Craig then went out back on our lanai to wash down the patio stone and clean things up a bit....... so that detoured us from getting our haircut. Craig finished that up, and we had some lunch and continued to enjoy a lazy day. I always say I can't stand to waste a day getting nothing accomplished, but it really is nice when I just slow myself down and chill out and relax. (don't get me wrong, I still feel like I waste a perfectly good day doing nothing, I just don't make myself feel guilty for it anymore like I used to!!)

Back to the 10 dpo stuff (sorry, I got sidetracked)...... I've been feeling pinchy twinges now and then, I'm sure it means nothing!! I've also had some burning nips, which again, I'm sure means nothing....... me saying that these things mean nothing is my attempt and not getting my hopes up, yet each time a nip feels like its on fire or I get a twingy pinch, I say to myself "see, maybe that DOES mean something!!!!!" Auuugghhh!!!!! the mental strain in the 2ww is just nutso!!

So, based on my fortune, do you think I have a shot at some good news coming my way very soon???? I sure hope so!!

Stay tuned!!


KimboSue said...

Found you through NaComLeavMo. I always apply my fortunes to my IF and add some baby related phrase to the end of it!! In high school we would add "in bed" to the end of all fortunes... As a matter of fact, the last one I got is taped to my cabinet in my cube... it reads "Enjoy yourself while you can" and I like to add "until you have a baby" to the end!

Rachel said...

Visiting from NCLM.

I hope your fortune comes true.

BTW, I saw you had a miscarriage in Nov. I had a son then. I just wanted to warn you in case seeing pictures will bother you.

Rachel said...

I hit submit before I finished my last comment. I meant in case you returned my comment.

We have Angel Wings said...

What a beautiful butterfly! And I must say if you take these pictures you're very good at photography.

((HUGS)) Sorry to hear that AF showed her ugly head.