Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And So It Begins!!!

Well, AF arrived on Sunday, which was CD1. I called my RE on Monday morning to schedule U/S and Labs and to confirm my injectibles dosages. So today, Tuesday 5/6/08 is CD3 and day 1 of Bravelle. I am doing 150 iu at night between 6 pm and 9pm. I have to admit that I had a pretty good case of the nerves going about 2 hours before Injection time. So much so that I began racing around the house trying to think of things to take my mind off "shootin' up". So I gave both dogs a bath (no easy feat-- one is 55 pounds and one is 85 pounds-- usually Craig and I tag team bathtime). Then when they were sqeaky clean I decided to color my hair. By that point my nerves were rattled enough to make my Mitral Valve Prolapse kick into gear a bit and I started getting the racey heart thing going to boot. So I re-watched the Bravelle video online to re-assure myself I knew what I was doing.

The one thing I think I was bummin' about was the fact that Craig wasn't home tonight for my first dose. Totally not his fault, beyond his control, I'm sure he'd much rather have been home with me to support me rather than closing the restaurant tonight. Not that I needed him to do my shot or anything, I think I would have liked having his moral support more than anything else. Craig is my calm. When I get a little crazy-whacky, he grounds me and reminds me I am capable and I can get it done.

Fast forward to 7:40 pm and I said to myself "Self----Its Go Time". I gathered all my supplies, and headed into my bathroom (which I had manically scrubbed down and disinfected an hour before shot time). Just like back when I had to give myself my first Ovidrelle shot back in the fall, as soon as its Med time, I kick into "Nurse Betty" gear and my nerves disappear and I just got to the task at hand. I guess thats where working in the medical field for the last 15 years comes in handy.

I mixed my Bravelle with the 0.9% NS (1 ml of NS with two vials of Bravelle). No problems, a piece of cake actually. Then it was shot time. I must admit, that I did go the wimpy route and ice before injecting my shot, and I'm glad I did. Bravelle stung and burned like a mo'fo!!!! Zowie!!! And it burned for a good 10 mins post shot to it!!!!

So thats it!! I have a date with Bravelle for the next 5 nights @ 7:45 pm!! I am praying so hard that this is going to be our cycle. I just feel this is going to be it. I feel it in my heart. I'm going to try to start doing some things this cycle that will be good for my soul and my mind and my faith. I'm going to pray every night ( I already do but will so even more at this point), I am going to remain calm and unstressed. I'm going to let everything roll and let nothing push me over the edge. I'm going to eat healthy fruits for snacks and will of course be hitting the pineapple after O day! This is it!! Come the beginning of June we WILL be getting wonderful news!!!!!!!

For this I hope and pray.


Jessica White said...

I'm hoping and praying for you too! I hope you get some good news:-)