Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back from today's Ultasound

Okay-- I'm back from today's U/S. Good news. Encouraging News. Apparently my U/S this past Saturday showed alot of small follies that weren't even measureable yet. Today I have a lead Follicle on my Right Ovary that is at 16 mm and a trailer that is 13 mm on my Left Ovary. So that is very good news. I made a ton of progress from Saturday to today. Yay!!!!

Now the bad news, they want me to come back for ANOTHER U/S on Thursday. Over to Tampa again....... I have to work on Thursday and there is no way I can get out of work or find coverage after getting out early today. No way....... So in my estimation (and the sonographers) they should grow 2 mm a day, so that would put me triggering on Thursday night with a 20 mm lead follie. I'm debating skipping the U/S and just triggering on Thursday night. Part of me thinks "Just go for it and do the trigger" and the other part of me thinks that if I skip the U/S my RE will get pissed at me if he finds out I triggered without my f/u U/S.

As I wrote in my blog yesterday, IF has consumed me. It runs my life. As much as I try not to let it, it does. Its crazy and overwhelming. Something has got to give. I pray once again, that this is OUR month and that we will finally be blessed with a lasting PG.

I don't know anymore........ I'm just burnt out from this whole experience.........

On a happier note, we are leaving for vacation in 5 days-- just a mini-vacation, but we're staying at a hotel right on the beach in North Florida and we cannot wait to get away from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!!!!! I think it will be great for both of us and bring us closer together (Lord knows IF pulls you apart at times)

Stay tuned to see if I decide to be a naughty girl and do my trigger without a f/u U/S.