Thursday, September 11, 2008


I have been Tagged!!
I don't think in all my time blogging, I have actually been tagged, so this will be a first for me....... (I'm kinda boring though, so I don't know how interesting it will be, but here it goes none the less.
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

I was Tagged by Peachy (her link is on my list)

6 random things about me:

1. I am anal retentive and super detail focused at my job (well, I am holding my patients' lives in my hands on a daily basis, ie: the intent focus). I get so annoyed when I see my coworkers doing things they shouldn't be doing, it drives me up a wall. At home, I am the complete opposite. I do things however I feel like doing them and oh well if no one else likes my style of doing things.......... its odd to me to be so different from work and at home.

2. I am a total joker and love to fool around and make people laugh, and this leads people to believe that I am SUPER outgoing..........truth is, I feel I am really the total opposite. I am not really a people person at all. I hate talking on the phone and find it very annoying to have to do so most days. Honestly, around people I don't know, I feel so far outside my comfort zone, that I sometimes freeze up and don't know what to say to people. Once I trust you though or have built some sort of relationship with you, its hard to shut me up though.

3. I grew up in Upstate NY and have lived down in FL for 8 years. I daydream on a daily basis about moving back up to NY. I miss so much about NY, but I fear we'd move back up there, and winter would roll in and I'd shut down. As I sit here in FL today, at a whpopping 92 degrees, with a heat index of about 103 degrees, I long for snow (okay--thats an exageration, but I do long for cool fall days, when you throw on jeans and a hoodie, and go for a walk in the leaves, then come back in a have a nice cup of hot tea.) (**by the way, is that actually two random things? That I grew up in NY AND I daydream about moving back?)

4. I have two dogs and a cat. I adopted my one dog Jazzmine, when she was a mere 5 weeks old, but couldn't bring her home from the SPCA until she was 6 weeks old. If ever a dog was just like it's owner, it would be Jazzmine. I honestly don't think she knows she's a dog. I love her to pieces, even if she does fart and drool alot.

5. I used to love to run as a, I can't stand the thought of running!! (although getting back into working out these past two months, it has become one of my goals to be able to jog on the treadmill ) Every summer my town had a community festival with races/competitions for kids and I kicked butt in alot of the running ones. My parents used to have a big board with all my ribbons on it. I wonder what happened to all those ribbons all these years later? Hmmmm....

6. Geez---its hard to write so much just about me!!!!! Lets see...... I have one brother. He still lives in upstate NY and is getting married in a few weeks up there. (24 days til we leave for NY).
We totally didn't like each other very much growing up. Actually I adored him and wanted to be around him constantly. He on the other hand, being 5 years older than me wanted nothing to do with me at all. We used to get in the worst fights (even though I was smaller than him, I thought I could "take him". Once we got older and grew out of it, we became really really close. Especially after my dad passed away (when I was 22 and my brother was 27). Now we love spending time together and always have tons of laughes and good times.

now I have to tag some people (although I don't think I'll tag 6)


The Wright's

(okay-- I am a dummy, because I've tried to link their blogs 3 times and it hasn't worked-- I'm clueless!) Their links are over in my blog list!!