Thursday, January 22, 2009

Giving Back.......

So I've been toying with this idea for about a week now, and I have decided to do it!

Over the last 8 months or so, there have been many people who have been generous enough to share donated meds with me to help me out on our journey and I am so beyond grateful that there have been so many people who have been so gracious to think of others both during their own personal journeys as well as after finding success. So due to their kindness towards me, I feel I needed to find a way to "Pay It Forward".
so in order to do that, I've decided to give something to someone who could use a little hope during their struggles Whether it be someone who needs a little hope and support while they are TTC, struggling with Loss, or an's really open to anyone who needs a little hope in there life right now and needs to know they are not alone.

So here is what I am going to do!

I make custom made jewelry as a side business (the link is if your interested in taking a peek)(all the money I make from my wares goes towards our IF treatments (we are out of Pocket for treatments) in trying to achieve our goal of having a family).
I am going to give away a piece of jewelry!!! A handmade, custom-sized Bracelet!! The Bracelet you see at the top of this post ! (it is made with Rose Quartz and Moonstone chips and has a little "hope" charm that dangles from it and it has a toggle clasp)

Here are the rules to be in the running for the giveaway!

1. Leave me a comment after this post. In your comment, tell me of your journey and why having a "Hope" bracelet would help me with your journey. (You can get as involved or non-involved as you want with your details, how much you share is up to you).

2. Be sure I have a way to contact you, incase you are the winner (either with a link in your blog that will take me to your email, or post your email where I can reach you!)

3. I will take entries until Tuesday January 27th and will then go through them all and will pick a winner of the "Hope" bracelet. The winner will be contacted via email, and we will discuss wrist size, etc so that the bracelet is custom made to fit YOU!
Once the entries are complete I will announce the winner here in my blog, so be sure to check back for updates!


Anonymous said...

A) I want to say how beautiful your jewelry is and if I don't win, I may just buy one!
B) My story: I have been TTC for 9 months now. I have unexplained anovulatory cycles, and just now am I starting to get the test done. Whats killing me is the unknown. If I knew, I'd be so much more at ease.. just knowing whats wrong with me and what to do from here. On top of my IF things, it was discovered that I have something wrong with my liver as well. My OB diagnosed me with Gilbert Syndrome, which is a very simple disorder and definately not life threatening in anyway. However, today I saw my PCP for a follow up on this diagnoses and she feels that its something other than this, but she doesn't know what. So now... just as I am getting started really getting on my TTC journey, I have a set back that could take months if not longer to clear up. I have a slew of tests in the coming weeks and none of it is related to TTC.

Wearing a sign of hope on my wrist such as your bracelets would really keep me going day to day, reminding myself to always have hope, no matter what. I think it would be an awesome sign that I need others to have hope in me too during these coming months, both with my help and my future children.

I hope that no matter who you choose, they will wear it proudly and know that they are not alone!

Erica said...

I'm so new to having IF probs, so I'm sure I'm not a good candidate. But I wanted to let you know that I think this idea is sweet. Thank you for being so supportive!

Mary said...

Jenn, I have a t-shirt that my best friend sent me right before we lost Baby J. It's brown, with pale pink writing and says Hope on it. DH took my first (and only, as it turned out) "bump" picture while I was wearing it for the first time.

Today is the first day I've worn it since then. I put it on because I want to live positively in the new year, instead of always being in a sad frame of mind, expecting more and more sadness.

So I guess I see the bracelet as another constant reminder of living in the presence of hope, rather than the presence of fear.

And I can't wear the shirt everyday, as it would smell really gross. Ew!! :)

Jaime said...

i don't wear bracelets very often but i just wanted to comment and say that this is really sweet of you to do... giving hope to those who really need it :)

True Companions Plus One? said...

I just wanted to say thank you for doing this. It is so incredibly thoughtful of you - I love the idea of pay it forward. I plan to do the same with any meds I have left over (assuming this cycle is a strong BFP!)! I hope whomever you choose wears it proudly!

Hoping and Praying said...

Hey Jenn! This is lmu2005 aka Leslie from The Bump/Nest. I think what you are doing here is a great thing.

Well, here DH and I have been TTC for a little over 3 years. We are pretty much unexplained except that I have endo and only my left tube left. Also, my DH and I are completely OOP so we are struggling right now to figure out what we are going to do. We had karyotype testing done on me that came back normal. However, my husband seemed as though he would have rather it came back that I couldn't because then at least we'd have an answer. Usually my DH is the optimistic one and this is so unlike him to act this way. I'm starting to see him get affected. It kills me inside.

I'm struggling myself to get through this vicious disease and my once happy go lucky husband is now falling into the same rut i'm in. I'm hoping if I could have something to keep myself reminded that hope and faith is better than dwelling on all the bad that I would be worlds better. I truly believe the bracelet you have here is a beautiful reminder I could wear everyday.

I unfortunately have other health issues that I won't bore you with, but they are the main reason i'm so afraid to sink so much money and effort OOP into this endeavor. I've dreamed for longer than I can remember of having my own child. I never knew the road would be this long or hard. The tears I've cried will one day be worth it, I just need a little reminder to keep that thought in my head every day when I feel like breaking down.

Thanks so much for doing this Jenn! Even if I don't win, I know this will help someone else just as much if not more than me! My e-mail is said...

Hi there, I just cruised in to your blog through ICLW list. I have bee TTC for more than four years now. I do not want to be put on the list for this contest, and I am sure that you will certainly find a very deserving person, whose wrist will show-off the super bracelet you have designed.

Hope- yes, that's the reason why we persist, isn't it?

#41...that's me! ICLW!

Cara said...

Hi. My entry isn't for me. It is for Hope's Mama. She lost her little girl, Hope, just over 5 months ago at 41 wks, 5 days. Her battle has been heartbreaking.

We connected right after the loss. A couple of months ago she started her own blog and has started to get some of her emotions out. I read her words and they transport me back to 8 years ago, saying goodbye to our baby - Emma Grace.

She is in such pain right now, searching daily for a way to hold onto, Hope -both her daughter and the theoretical concept.

Please, click over if you would like to read some of her blog. Her sidebar profile blurb says it all. I know her story will touch your heart.

Cara said...

Oh - if you do need to contact me my email is


Soralis said...

Love your jewelery! Good luck with your sales and your guitar.