Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today Kicks off ICLW Week!

If you are here from ICLW, Welcome! (and even if you aren't, Welcome to you too!)

I have joined in this a few times in the past, but somehow I always seemed to have a hard time commenting back to poeple on their blogs. I don't know why. I think maybe its because I feel like I don't know the persons' blog I am reading, and I don't want to say the wrong thing, or say something one would think is too personal or pressing.

So this time, I'm going into it with a different outlook and I've already completed six comments for today on various blogs. Two of those blogs made me cry. I always think to myself that I have it really tough, and that I just can't seem to get many breaks in this life. Then I read the journeys and struggles of others, and am reminded that there are others suffering just as much, if not more than I may be.

I am deeply touched by others' journeys, and I wish none of us had to go through pain or suffering or struggle. My parents always taught me that anything worth having is worth working and fighting for. Each day that goes by, and I get a wee bit older, I really appreciate that more and more. Nothing has ever been handed to me, I've always had to work really hard for the things I have achieved in my life. I am proud of that hard work, and am glad that I have "earned" the things I do have in my life.

I have a very loving, caring family. I have an awesome husband who truly loves me more than anything. I have three fabulous fur babies, who bring me such happiness, that I can't imagine not having them in my life. We have a home and cars and food on our table for us and for my furbabies. We both have secure jobs. I guess the only thing missing, of course is a child. We continue to struggle towards that, but I do believe our time is coming for that. I know in my heart that God does not intend for us to be childless. One way or another, we will be parents.

We swore in a new President yesterday and how exciting is that? I had tears in my eyes seeing so many Americans waving their flags, full of hope and belief in Obama and in our country. It feels good to see our country with some renewed faith that things are going to get better. It has renewed my faith as well.

So, here is looking up. Lets all hope and pray that 2009 is a much better year for all of us!!


Never forgetting Gregory said...

I certainly hope so and it helps me to hear your optimism!

Soralis said...

Good luck with your journey. It bothers me as well that so many people have to suffer through infertility. I wish you all the best in your journey!

Anonymous said...

This is my first ICLW, and I agree, it's hard to know what to say. I love getting comments so much, though, that I'm determined to "pay it forward" a bit!

Love your positive outlook. Keep the faith!

Happy ICLW!