Saturday, January 24, 2009

Giddy with Excitement!!

No.....I'm not PG!!! I wish I had that wonderful joyous news to spread to all. (although I believe with all my heart that that good news will be coming in the near future. I have to believe that!!!!)

I made a very exciting purchase tonight. I have wanted to learn how to play accoustic guitar for what seems like FOREVER!!!! For the past probably 8 of the 9 1/2 years C. and I have been together, every time a gift giving holiday was coming around (Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries etc) C would always ask me what I reply..... AN ACCOUSTIC GUITAR of course!!!

Well, needless to say I never got one! In C's defense, he is a musician, and his inclination was always to not buy me a cheap guitar that would fall out of tune all the time or that would sound like crap, just to appease me so I'd have my guitar. Other times we'd set gift giving $ limits on our purchases to avoid overspending, so those times were out too.

A few weeks ago, C. and I stopped at a big music store about 30 mins from where we live, where we both walked around drooling (me over all the pretty accoustic guitars and C. over the electronic drum set he's dying to buy). We both walked out empty handed that night knowing we really should save our money for our next IUI cycle.

Fast forward to tonight. I was shopping online and I came across a really great deal on an Ibanez Accoustic Guitar........AND I BOUGHT IT!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm bursting at the seams and can hardly wait for it to arrive (which will hopefully be in a few days, as I believe it will ship from right here in Florida)

Of course, now I'm having the internal battle with myself, and I feel like I should have saved the money and put it towards our next IUI cycle (which will be the end of February), but we do have the money tucked away for our next IUI and I have all the meds I need for the cycle already. Plus we'll be getting our Income tax checks back in the not too distant future, and I always get a really decent return (I have extra money taken out of each paycheck and end up with a bigger return--its like an extra little savings account that I don't even think about). Plus, I should be getting a bonus check in March as well, so I'm not going to keep beating myself up over my purchase.

With all the crappy things I've dealt with over the last 33 cycles of Infertility, I deserve this little bit of joy that this guitar is going to bring me!!!

Stay tuned for the adventures that are sure to come on my way to becoming a Rock Star!!!!!!

Don't forget to check out the post below this one for information on my "Giving Back" project with the free "HOPE" bracelet. I'll be taking entries until Tuesday Jan. 27th, so be sure to read on about it!!


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

When you spend years not being able to get what you want, it's a great idea to go and get something else that you've been wanting.


Michelle said...

You should buy something good for yourself. You deserve it. we can't always put everything off. I have always wanted to learn the guitar too. My mom played when I was a little girl and I always loved it.

Melissa said...

That's awesome!! My DH and I were talking about the whole $$ situation with IF and at the same time tickets went on sale for one of our favorite singers (Kenny Chesney) We know we should save the money for the possibiltiy of IVF with ICSI but my husbands exact words were, "We still need to have some entertainment in our lives!" So, kudos to you!! Enjoy and don't beat yourself up over it!!

Jessica White said...

I think it's great that you got the guitar: As Cassandra said you've waited along time for IF, so a guitar will give you a bit of happiness now.


Hillary said...

That is so exciting -- I'm glad you bought the guitar! Now will you take lessons or teach yourself? Have fun!

lostintranslation said...

It's a great feeling to splurge every now and then on something (especially a beautiful guitar)! Here's to the music! *ICLW#39*

daega99 said...

Enjoy it! You deserve something that makes you happy.

*ICLW 66*

Kristin said...

Good for you! I think having the guitar will be a wonderful pick me up for you.


Anonymous said...

Here's to the next up and coming Rock Star! It's great to splurge every now and then.