Monday, February 23, 2009

CD 8 U/S Follie Check!

So I went down to my RE's office today for my CD8 Follie check. I haven't been in to see them for a few months, and it was nice to go back in and still see familiar faces, especially the U/S tech. I adore her. She is an older woman who calls me sweetie and is always so positive. She is upbeat, and chatty and is always encouraging.

I have 2 lead follies on my Right Ovary, one is at 9 mm and one is at 8.5 mm and one 8.5 mm on my Left as well. Usually by this point I have one lead and they others are usually pretty far behind, so its encouraging that I have 3 that are all pretty close in size. I, however had a sneaking suspicion that maybe my dose of Bravelle shouldbe bumped up a bit ( I have been doing 150 iu for the last 5 nights) as in previous cycles my follies were a bit bigger on CD 8.

Sure enough my nurse called me this afternoon and Dr. Z. wants me to up my dose to 225iu tonight and tomorrow night and then go back for another U/S on Weds which will be CD10. So between now and then I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed that these follies keep growing. That being said, IUI # 2 looks to most likely be either Friday or Saturday (my guess is Saturday, but perhaps with the dosage boost, maybe a day sooner?)

On a side note, the Bravelle shots are killing me this cycle. My belly is all bruised. I have 4 bruises, two on each side of my belly button, I told C. he could play connect the dots on my tummy. I'm also bruised from my lab draw today, and just as that one starts to heal, I'll acquire yet another one on Weds.

Side effects from Bravelle this month are not too pretty either. In cycles past, it just made me a bit tired and also made me want to cry at everything and anything. This cycle on Bravelle, I'm having alot of Nausea, fatigue, and I'm soooooo GRUMPY!!!! The littlest thing can set me off and God help whoever may be on the receiving end of it! Its not pretty!!! And of course, I'm so miserably grumpy already, I already warned C. that he might want to tip toe around me the next few days since I have to increase my Bravelle dosage!

It will all totally be worth it when we get our BFP in a few weeks, thats for sure!!!