Thursday, May 29, 2008

12 DPO..........and........

So I'll start today's blog with a random picture again, just like my previous one. Its kinda fun going through all the pix in my laptop searching for a random picture that makes me smile and today this is the winner. This was from our trip to Sea World last summer where Craig, my mom and I met up with my cousin and her husband and kids for a day at Sea World. It was the end of June and in Florida the end of June=ass spankin' hot heat, but it was a great time none-the-less. This picture was at part of the park where you can buy sardines and feed them to the dolphins. They come right up to you and take the sardines right out of your hand!! It is such a cool experience and I love watching and interacting with dolphins so its tops on my list each time we go there.
Onto the reality of my everyday life. Today is 12DPO and.........not one single sign of AF showing her ugly ass yet!!!!! Usually by 12dpo, I'm starting to show imminent signs of her arrival, spotting, cramps etc.......nothing!! I don't want to talk too much about it as I'm afraid I'm going to jinx it. The only I keep thinking is that my body is playing tricks on me.
In past cycles (medicated with clomid) I was "O"ing late (like cd22 or 23) and then by day 30 of my cycle AF was arriving (giving me my normal 30 day cycle). However this cycle was my first one on injectibles (Bravelle) and I triggered on CD13 and O'd on CD 14, so this Saturday should be 14 dpo so I don't know if AF will arrive early or if I'll still have a 30 day cycle even though I O'd much earlier this month........ I'm just so tired of wracking my brain every minute over all this stuff , it just totally consumes me. I've been having the MOST bizarre dreams every night. Weird shit, shit that has nothing to do with TTTC, I guess its just my subconscious way of lashing out and I can't even have peace while I sleep. Every night I wake up from a crazy or bad dream, sweating, kicking off the covers, and thanking the heavens that it was only a dream!!
Oh well.......... I hope and pray all this crap will be over with some day soon, and I can move on to a whole different world of worry and wacky dreams!
Well, that is it for now, Craig and I are on a summer bowling league with my mom and her boyfriend and we'll need to be heading out soon for that so I better get a move on.


Ariella said...

When is your Beta? Keeping you in my thoughts.

Eliza said...


Panamahat said...

I love it when I make it past 10DPO so I understand your excitement. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Jill said...

I love the idea of the random pic from your laptop! Great idea!

Good luck!

Jill said...

Here from NCLM and I LOVE the random pics. They used to have a sea world in Ohio (about 45 mins from my house)and it was my most favorite place in the world. I cried when they closed it and I still miss it every summer. THank you for bringing up some memories for me!

Sam said...

No Aunt Flo!! Stay away! *crossing fingers for you*

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I'm here from NaComLeavCom
Fingers crossed and hope AF has not shown.
My heart goes out to you because I have been on this path too.
I am marking your site to re visit.
Random pics make me smile too - love the dolphin.

My Little Drummer boys
warm regards

Kim said...

Good Luck! I think that then time from ovulation to af is usually a constant for people. I was like you and ovulated cd 20 -22 when on Clomid but on injectable is was anywhere between cd 11 and 14. When the cycles were a bfn, af came the normal 13-14 days after ovulation - no matter which day it occurred on! I will be checking back - here from NCLM.

Kristine said...

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!