Friday, May 16, 2008

Stims Check # 2!!! Yay!!

So I already posted earlier, however I was so wrapped up in what I was writing about (and it got very long).

I had my Stim check # 2 today. Back on Monday, I had one 11 mm follie on the right and one 7 mm on the left, with about 10 other smaller follies. My E2 was a little low but apparently that was fine because when I had my U/S this morning the follie on my Right had grown to 18 mm!!!!!!! Thank God, man I was sweatin' it!!!! I was soooo worried that my follies were going to continue to mess with me and not give a follie worth a damn!! The U/S tech (who I adore because she is so kind) was very encouraging. She said my lining had gotten thicker and was excited about that, and then said "yay!! Your ready to go girl!! You've got an 18 mm follie!!"

So then we went out to the lab area, and we were waiting for Dr. Z to come out of an exam room to run my results by him. He was very pleased, and wanted me to do my trigger shot right then and there!! I started to get a little nervous as the nurse came around the corner with the Ovidrel shot as I had one at home sitting in my fridge that I'd already paid OOP for and I didn't want to get charged another $60 for another one. The nurse was great, and said, "Nope, Dr. Z. wants you to trigger now, so we'll give you one of ours and the next time you are here, just bring us yours, we won't charge you" Yippppeeee!!

Now, let me just tell you why I looooove my new RE, Dr. Z. After he reviewed my U/S results, he said to the nurse " U/S is great, right where we want her, she's ready to go, lets trigger her this morning, right now if we have a trigger shot." then he turns to me and says" Yep, your good to go, we'll do your trigger now, then Saturday night, Light up the Candles and Have at it!!" I burst right out laughing and then of course because I embarrass so easily, I turned about 10 shades of red!!! I love him!! He is so laid back and I totally feel confindant in his care and I truly believe this is going to be our month!

Okay, thats all, I'm off to bed, I have to be up at 4:45 am and at work at 5:30 am tomorrow morning......... Damn, I need a M-F 9-5 job so bad!!!


Ariella said...

I am so glad you love your new RE. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle. Hope you nd DH had a good time "going at it" this weekend! ;)