Friday, May 9, 2008

Sooooo tired!

Let me start by saying that I'm pooped!!

I don't think I even slept 30 mins last night!! I rolled into my favorite sleeping position at about 10:30 pm, and was looking and the clock every 20-30 minutes. At 2 am I really started to get annoyed and by 3 am I was ripped mad! I rolled over and there was my husband WIDE AWAKE!! Neither of us could sleep!! And let me tell you, when you have to be at work at 5:15 am, and its 3:15 am and you still haven't slept, its not a good place to be in!!! I think I finally dozed off right before the alarm went off at 4:30 am, so lets just say I felt like a walking zombie at work today. And, no I don't have a desk job where I can muttle through..... I work with patients from 6:15 am on. Luckily my day was cut short as our patient census was lower today, so I went home at noon today (still almost 7 hours on no sleep) but better than being stuck there until 4 pm today!! Needless to say its just about 9 pm and I'm very much ready for bed. Craig and I were talking about our sleepless night a little while ago, while getting ready to eat dinner and it dawned on us that we both drank alot of caffeine before bed last night. I had a Pepsi, which I haven't had in atleast 6 months, let alone @ 7:30 pm!!! Craig was no better, as he drank a diet coke (which he never drinks anything with caffeine that late either!) So hopefully we'll both sleep like rocks when we head to bed soon!

Tonight was onto Bravelle shot # 4. Uneventful, just like last night. Its not nearly as big a deal as I anticipated it to be. However, I simply cannot stop certain thoughts from running through my mind as I prep each injection. And that thought is "I never ever thought it would come to jabbing myself with needles every night". But as I've said many times, I'm more than willing if it gets us Pregnant!!

One one last note, I want to briefly talk about a blog that I came across today. It is heartbreaking about a couple who had a baby, and the wife died shortly after having the baby. Her husband has been posting a daily blog. I cried today reading his blog and seeing slide shows of the baby. It is an eye opening reminder to live each day to the fullest and to love and appreciate the one you are with every minute of every day. I encourage you to check out his blog:

Okay, thats about it for me, I'm ready to head to bed!!