Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Nothing Really To Report In

Today has been a pretty uneventful day. Craig and I actually had a day off together, which was nice, we don't get many days off together. We really didn't do much, just kinda hung out, relaxed, watched some tv, we took a nap (8o)~ which I particularly enjoyed since Bravelle is wiping me out these days. Not to mention I was having some pretty bad neck pain last night, which I attribute to stress (when I get stressed, the muscles in my neck and shoulders go into spasms and I get huge knots which press on nerves in my neck) so I took 1/2 a Flexeril last night, and I could barely wake myself up this morning and then I remained sleepy and groggy most of the day.
Bravelle shot #8 went fine tonight. I am praying so hard that my u/s on Friday will show good follie development, that my E2 will have come up to where it needs to be and that we'll be ready to trigger by the weekend!

Okay, thats about all I have to report in tonight. I'm off to bed, 4:30 am comes awefully early for work in the morning!