Monday, May 12, 2008

Stims Check today!

So I went to work this morning at 530 am and worked with my patients until 745 am when my coverage showed up, and then hopped in the car and made the 50 mins trek to my RE's office for my stims check and labwork. The U/S tech there was soooooo nice, (such a huge differnce from the bitch at my old RE's office) although I found it odd that she didn't leave the room for me to undress (they have little alcoves to go in to "drop your drawers" and then you can grab a paper drape and make your way to the table. Now over the last two years I've lost alot of modesty due to my frequent dates with the "vag cam", however streaking across the room bare assed with another person in the room is still a wee bit uncomfortable to me. I'm used to being alone to undress, and quickly dashing to the exam table and dropping my butt and quickly covering up. Oh well....... one more shred of modesty out the door!!

Anyhow, the U/S tech said that my lining looked really really good (it was getting thinned out each month on Clomid). She said I have one lead Follie on my R ovary that is 11.5 mm and one smaller one on the left that is at 7 mm. Today is only CD 9, so I was pretty happy with those results (as on Clomid, I wasn't triggering until CD 22 or 23!!!) So based on the reasoning that follies grow 1-2 mm per day, by Friday I should be good to go with a lead Follie at around 19 mm (I hope and pray). So we finished the u/s and I went out to another area and had some STAT labs drawn (an E2 level --Estradiol level which measure your Estrogen level).

So later this afternoon a nurse called me from the office, and said that Dr. Z. reviewed my U/S and labs, and wants me to stay at my Bravelle dosage (150 iu /night) through Thursday night, and then I will go back on Friday morning for another U/S and more labs. I had been feeling really positive about the morning appointment and felt excited that I was progressing really well. So as I was review my instructions with the nurse, she started to bring me down again. She kinda implied that I didn't have very good development (again its only CD 9!!!!) and she also said that my E2 level was a little low.......... she didn't tell me the number, she just said we'd recheck again on Friday. So, per Dr. Z's directions, I did my shot again tonight. No problems. Thats atleast one thing I'm thankful for is that my shots have remained uneventful up to this point and hopefully they will continue to be that way.

I noticed something interesting this morning, while getting ready for work. Last night when I got into bed, I decided to say the entire rosary. I fnished, laid down, and within 10 mins I was out like a light. Usually I lay there restless and flipping and flopping trying to fall asleep. This is the second night I've said the rosary and slipped right off to sleep. Maybe its the opportunity to shut my mind off and only focus on prayer. Maybe its the calm I feel after knowing I've done something good by saying the rosary and strengthening my relationship with God. I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm going to keep it up as obviously its doing me well.