Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This Is Dedicated To The One I Love.....

So, today's blog is dedicated to the wonderful man I fell in love with 8 1/2 years ago, married 3 1/2 years ago, and am more in love with as each day passes. (you know he has to love me, when I plop a Sombrero on his head in shop in Mexico and he lets me take his picture!!!)

If you've read any of my previous blogs, you'll know we've had some added struggles the past few months that has added on even more stress and frustration to our TTTC woes. Last month was a really rough month for us, filled with extreme frustration, let downs, breakdowns, and feeling as though we were at wits end. We worked our way through it, regrouped, came up with a plan that would hopefully work for "US" and moved forward.
I started my Bravelle shots 9 days ago, went for my cd 9 U/S on Monday, and our original plan was for C to make a "donation" on Monday that would be washed and frozen as a back up. Well that plan fell through as my clinic said they were too busy with too many procedures happening and they couldn't do anything until today (weds). So, despite C. getting pissed and frustrated about the timing getting messed up for his donation, we again found a way around it, and he was able to get today off and he made his appt to drop off "said donation".
Needless to say, despite much worry, and my tummy in knots all day at work, I HAPPILY got a phone call at 12:30 from C. telling me Mission Complete, and that the donation was in route!!!!!! I was so happy I could have cried and almost did. It wasn't without a few events, as nothing is ever simple with us, as we live 45 mins from my RE's office (and there was no way C was going to be able to do his donation anywhere but at home). So he was driving down to the RE, and traffic was a real bitch, so he was getting a little panicky that he wasn't going to make it in time, and started getting a little heavy on the gas peddle and was zipping in and out of traffic. Well, while zipping through traffic, he looked in his rear-view mirror and saw a Sheriff car right behind him and he thought for sure he was going to get pulled over and have to try to explain why he was driving the way he was to a WOMAN Sheriff .........."sorry officer, but I'm speeding a sample to Clearwater and I only have 30 mins to get there!!!!!!". Luckily, the sheriff turned off and didn't pull him over!! Whew-- crisis averted!!
Needless to say, I'm dedicating today's blog to C. for the wonderful man he is, and for despite his recent troubles and frustrations, I want him to know how very much I love him and that my love for him grows more and more each day. Each day I think I can't possibly love him more than I do, and the next day comes and I somehow love him even more than the day before!
He manned it up in the face of adversity, and he got the job done. I am so proud of him and his perseverance and for believing in himself the way I believe in him.
I am so thankful for him and can't imagine one day without him in my life.
So, Baby, if you happen to read this, it wasn't meant to spread your business to anyone, but to let you know how very I proud I am to call you my Husband.
As always, "Baby, I'm Amazed By You".